6-12-2012 3:40:20 PM
Tuesday, June 12th
Today we took a day trip to Osaka from Kyoto.
We went to the aquarium in Osaka because it is one of the biggest aquariums and has the biggest saltwater tank in the world.
We also found the best sushi place EVER.
The aquarium in Osaka. The dolphins are little metal rectangles that move when the wind blows.
Whale Shark
Chris and me taking a picture with the illustrious whale shark. Too bad the whale shark wasn’t actually at the aquarium. They moved them for the summer, but they will be back by the end of July (so no whale shark for us…)
A divider telling you that they are doing maintenance work on an area of the aquarium. But it is just so cute! I think all signs, no matter how serious the message, are required by law to have cartoons on them.
The dolphins were playing with a basketball in their tank. But they were really fast and it was hard to get a shot of them playing…
Squid! They were transparent and you could see their organs… A bit weird but they were still cute.
Namba Parks
So… The clothing store is called “Nudie Jeans,” yet if you wear these jeans, you are no longer nude… Hmm…
Carnival Mall
This was another mall near the station. Of course those are ducks! When you think to yourself, “I would like to go shopping, but where,” the most logical answer is where the ducks are!
Apparently, there are restaurants where your waitresses are dressed in maid outfits. They are very cute…
In Japan, they have stores with special photo booths just for girls. Girls will dress up and come take pictures with their friends. The booths also have some type of photoshopping abilities as they can smooth out your skin or make your eyes bigger or even add in neat backgrounds. It is really popular. The sign on this one says, “We just love cute things like crazy. Girls are always demanding more cute than necessary.”
This arcade has a movable table on it. But why, you ask? Because the point of the game is when the main character gets mad enough at his virtual situation, he throws the table and the contents everywhere, which shocks all of the other virtual people. This is the whole game. Flipping tables. Really.
Tokyo Jungle
This is a newly released video game in Japan and I think I want it. The idea is that all of the people in Tokyo are gone, so all of the animals run wild. And since they are animals, they all have to fight each other for territory. You can play as any of the animals you see on the screen, such as an elephant, a Velociraptor, a deer, a lion, a Pomeranian(you can see it in the foreground of the picture… seems to be an important character), or even a baby chick. I would so play this. If someone has an English version, I will take it please.